Nuclear Brief June 16, 2005
The Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) Nuclear Supplement
Nuclear Supplement |
The nuclear supplement to the Joint Strategic
Capabilities Plan is top secret. Few have even seen the
table of contents...until now (download from right-hand
column). |
Few people have ever seen the Joint Strategic
Capabilities Plan (JSCP), much less its top secret nuclear supplement
that guides the detailed planning of U.S. nuclear forces.
This is now possible, at least to some extent, thanks
to the Pentagon's release of a redacted copy of the 1996 Nuclear
Supplement under the Freedom of Information Act. Although the
declassification process deleted almost everything, the structure was
not withheld. As a result, the public can now for the first time see the
outline of this crucial
document, formally known as Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
(CJCSI) 3110.04.
The declassified CJCSI 3110.04, which is also called
JSCP-N, was first described in
the NRDC report "The Post Cold War SIOP and Nuclear Warfare Planning: A
Glossary, Abbreviations, and Acronyms," which I co-authored with William
M. Arkin in 1999. But the current release is the first time the raw
document has been available to the public.
The JSCP is
published by the Joint Staff to guide the detailed military
force planning in the various services. The document translates the
National Security Strategy into planning guidance for a set time period to
the Commanders-in-Chief (CINCs) of the Unified Commands and Chiefs of
the military services. The JSCP initiates the deliberate planning
process for the development of operation plans to support national
security objectives.
After the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) and
Contingency Planning Guidance (CPG) are published by the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff prepares the JSCP, which
directs and initiates the deliberate joint operations planning process
for the development of operation plans to support national security objectives
- Assigning planning tasks to the combatants
- Apportioning major combat forces and resources;
- Issuing planning guidance to integrate joint
operation planning activities.
Place In Bush
Administration Nuclear Guidance |
note: this chronology has been moved to
here. |
The JSCP consists of a basic volume and
supplements. The basic JSCP currently in effect (as of June 2005)
is formally known as CJCSI 3110.01E and was initially published on October 1, 2002.
The basic plan, which is frequently and indicated by the letter
following 01, provides a strategic military framework
that ties combatant commander, JCS, and NCA actions together to respond to crises and
covers the full spectrum of conflict from pre-conflict deterrence
measures through force deployment and employment. It assigns task to the
combatant commanders and guidance to the Service Chiefs in the preparation of war
The JSCP Supplemental Instructions (previously known
as JSCP Annexes) provide additional guidance for specific
contingencies. These supplements can be updated without changing the
overall plan. As of May 2005, the supplements to the basic JSCP were:
- CJCSI 3110.02 (Intelligence).
- CJCSI 3110.03 (Logistics).
- CJCSI 3110.04 (Nuclear).
- CJCSI 3110.05 (Psychological).
- CJCSI 3110.06 (Special Operations).
- CJCSI 3110.07 (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defenses; Riot
Control Agents; and Herbicides).
- CJCSI 3110.08 (Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy).
- CJCSI 3110.11 (Mobility).
- CJCSI 3110.12 (Civil Affairs).
- CJCSI 3110.13 (Mobilization).
- CJCSI 3110.15 (Special Technical Operations).
The Nuclear Supplement
The Nuclear Supplement (CJCSI 3110.04), or JSCP-N, covers nuclear weapons planning and
employment issues and was last issued on December 31, 2004, with Change
1 published on March 18, 2005. The supplement,
which until February 12, 1996, was known as MCM-148-91, Annex C
(Nuclear), establishes parameters
and constraints that are the basis for nuclear target development. It also
directs probability of damage (PD) that is to be achieved against
individual installations and groups of installations. For non-strategic
nuclear forces, the nuclear supplement "describes situations which could
lead to a request for the selective release of nuclear weapons."
This 120-page declassified JSCP-N contains
the following table of contents, revealing for the first time the
structure of the Nuclear Supplement:
Enclosure A: General
Para 1 Purpose
Para 2 Scope
Para 3 Focus
Para 4 Basic Employment Objectives
Para 5 Required U.S. Capabilities
Para 6 Force Readiness Planning
Enclosure B: Weapon Deployment and Security
Para 1 Deployment Concept Para 2 NSNF Deployment and Reconstitution Para 3 Weapon Security
Enclosure C: General Employment Planning Guidance
Para 1 Scope Para 2 General Para 3 Planning Coordination Para 4 Planning Factors Para 5 Nuclear Execution Para 6 Nuclear Termination Para 7 Escalation Control Para 8 Constraints Para 9 Relocatable Targets Para 10 Exceeding Limitations
Enclosure D: Part I SIOP and NRF Employment Planning
Para 1 Scope Para 1c Focus/MAOs and LAOs Para 2 Force Commitment Para 2a SIOP Committed Forces Para 3 Force Allocation and Application Para 4 Target Development Para 5 Target Lists Para 5a National Target Base Para 6 Selection and Damage Level Guidance Para 6f Damage Levels Para 7 MAO Structure
(Note: This section contains 12 directives contained in the
SIOP. These directives were used as the standards against which
the SIOP-97 war game predicted the effectiveness of the SIOP.) Para 8 MAO Targeting Guidance Para 9 MAO Planning Guidance Para 9a(1) Force Readiness Survivability and Timing Para 9a(3) Force Readiness Conditions Execution of Scenarios Para 9a(4) Timing Plans Para 9a(5)
(Note: This section contains nine assumptions for
planning.) Para 9b Weapons Allocation
(Note: This section contains priorities for allocating weapons.) Para 9c Defense Suppression Planning Para 9d Measures of Effectiveness Para 10 Limited Attack Options
Enclosure D: Part II NRF and Adaptive Planning
Para 1 Purpose Para 2 SRF Structure Para 2b2 Nuclear Reserve Force
(Note: This section outlines the structure of the NRF to consist
of the Secure Reserve Force (SLBMs and bombers) and Residual
Forces. The latter consists of strategic
(recovered/reconstituted), uncommitted and unexecuted forces)
and non-strategic forces (uncommitted and not NATO designated).) Para 3 SRF Planning and Sizing Para 4 Adaptive Planning
Enclosure E: Theater Nuclear Planning
Para 1 Scope and Applicability Para 2 General Para 3 Theater Targeting Requirements Para 4 Theater Nuclear Targeting Limitations Para 5 Theater Nuclear Option Employment Para 6 Nuclear Appendices to OPLANs Para 7 Crisis Management Para 8 Adaptive Planning Procedures
Enclosure F: Reconnaissance in Support of Nuclear Operations
Para 1 Scope Para 2 Reconnaissance Objectives Para 3 Applicability Para 4 Reconnaissance Priorities Para 5 Reconnaissance Force Management Para 6 Planning Concepts Para 7 Planning Guidelines/Requirements Para 8 Battle Management Considerations
Enclosure G: SIOP and NRF Review, Approval, and Analysis
Para 1 Scope and Applicability Para 2 General Para 3 SIOP and NRF Revision Para 5 Logic Para 5a SIOP Analysis Para 5b Wargaming
Enclosure H: Responsibilities
Para 1 Purpose Para 2 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Para 3 Combatant CINCs Para 4 USCINCSTRAT
According to STRATCOM, the JSCP-N "defines
the threat to be countered, provides the projected threat
environment, and levies requirements on the planning product of the
SWPS (i.e., the SIOP). It also discusses Theater Nuclear Option (TNO)
requirements as well as other requirements so directed by the
NCA. Based on current direction, it is becoming increasingly
important to provide a full range of military response options to
any potential military threat." As can be seen from the table of
contents, the type of options discussed include Major Attach Options
(MAO), Limited Attack Options (LAO), and Theater Nuclear Options (TNO).
In addition to the OPLANs (Operational Plans), the
1996 JSCP-N directed that combatant CINCs and STRATCOM should "maintain
the capability to plan and execute theater nuclear options for
generated nuclear forces on short notice during crisis and
contingency situations." When planning Theater Nuclear Options
(TNOs), the warfighters were directed to consider the following:
1. Explicit objectives;
2. Type of facility, and relation, if any, to enemy power
projection capability;
3. Probability of success;
4. Alternative means to achieve the objective, if any;
5. [classified];
6. Estimated fatalities (prompt and fallout);
7. Size of the attack;
8. Type of delivery system;
9. [classified];
10. [classified];
11. [classified];
12. Probable perception of US will and resolve;
13. Likelihood and acceptability of probable enemy response on
the US or its allies;
14. [classified];
15. Adequacy of attack as a demonstration of US capability;
16. Relationship to other US military presence;
17. Relationship to US vital interests, treaty commitments,
diplomatic agreements, and denial and escalation implications;
18. [classified].
The document also discusses Adaptive Planning, the
post-Cold War war planning methodology used against relocatable and
emerging targets not covered by the deliberate plans. At the time of the
1996 JSCP-N, Adaptive Planning was
mainly applied to Theater Nuclear Planning and the Nuclear Reserve
Force. Yet the 1996 JSCP-N states that Adaptive Planning "will be
a principle means of Reserve force employment," but that it "can
occur in the pre-, trans-, or post-MAO timeframe and involve either
SIOP/NSNF or Reserve forces."
Since then, Adaptive Planning has been incorporated
more generally into nuclear planning as the number of MAOs have been reduced
and new capabilities have increased the flexibility of the planning
system and deployed forces. In February 2005, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chairman General Richard B. Myers stated:
"STRATCOM has revised our strategic deterrence
and response plan that became effective in the fall of 2004.
This revised, detailed plan provides
more flexible options to assure allies, and dissuade,
deter, and if necessary, defeat adversaries in a wider range of
At the time of the 1996 JSCP-N, Russia was
clearly the center of U.S. nuclear planning:
"The fundamental objective of US nuclear
employment policy is to deter direct attack, particularly
nuclear attack, on the United States and its allies. Deterrence
is best achieved if [the] US defense posture makes a Russian
assessment of war outcomes, under any contingency, so uncertain
and dangerous that it removes any incentive for initiating
With the Bush administration claiming to have removed
Russia as an immediate contingency from U.S. nuclear planning,
one would assume that "Russia" has been replaced with "adversary" in the 2004
version of JSCP-N. But the planned force level of up to 2,200
operationally deployed strategic warheads in 2012 suggests that
Russia remains the predominant focus.
The requirement to maintain forces on high
alert, ready to launch on short notice, was a core feature of the U.S.
nuclear posture in 1996, and continues to be so today. In the 1996
JSCP-N, however, the guidance defined that "the United States
does not rely on its capability for launch on warning or launch
under attack to ensure the credibility of its deterrent." Yet the
pledge was dubious and apparently did not prevent launch on warning
and launch under attack capabilities from being integral
characteristics of the strike plans: "At the same time,"
the 1996 JSCP-N conditioned, "the US ability to carry out such options
complicates Russian assessments of war outcomes and enhances
The 1996 JSCP-N applied to plans effective
on or after October 1, 1996, which included the SIOP-97 strategic
war plan that entered into effect the same day. According to
STRATCOM, "SIOP-97 was the
first effort at making a combined evaluation of the objectives to
predict effectiveness of the strike plan. Planners attempted to
consider all possible objective (quantifiable) and subjective
(non-quantifiable) criteria in assessing each directive."
The declassified Nuclear Supplement was classified
Lieutenant General Wesley K. Clark, who in February 1996 was the
Director of Strategic Plans and Policy at the Joint Staff (J-5), and
the staff officer responsible for world-wide politico-military
affairs and U.S. military strategic planning.
Updates to the Plan
Several changes were made to the
basic JSCP and its supplements between 1996 and 2000 when a new plan was published on January
28. This period also saw the publication of Presidential Decision
Directive (PDD) 60 in November 1997 and a new Nuclear Weapons
Employment Policy (NUWEP) in 1999.
The first JSCP of the Bush
administration was issued on October 1, 2002, following a new NUWEP
issued by Defense Secretary Rumsfeld on April 19, 2004. The most
recent (as of June 2005) update to JSCP-N was published on December 31, 2004
(CJCSI 3110.04B), followed by Change 1 on March 18, 2005 (see
here for recent guidance chronology).
Compared with the 1996 version, the 2004 JSCP-N
apparently no longer uses the term "selective release," according to
STRATCOM. Before that, the JSCP-N described situations where a
combatant commander might request permission from the National
Command Authority (NCA) for the selective release of nuclear
weapons. But this concept has been omitted because the concept was
determined to carry multiple definitions and might confuse planners.
Bureaucratic Secrecy
The declassification process of 1996 JSCP-N
revealed serious but common errors in the implementation of the
FOIA. First, the redacted sections in the released document
closely follow the classification markings in the printed document.
The FOIA officer
simply deleted everything marked "S" (Secret) and "TS" (Top
Secret) and released the sections marked "U" (Unclassified).
While this may seem natural to most people, a FOIA declassification
officer is can not simply follow existing markings of a
document for release determination but is required to make an individual
assessment of whether the information is
currently and properly classified. But this was
not done.
Second, all redacted
sections were withheld in full, rather than withholding only those
portions of each section that need to be withheld. Few paragraphs
are ever fully secrets but contain a few secrets intertwined with
unclassified information. By withholding each section in full, the
FOIA officer failed to demonstrate what is known as discretionary disclosure
requiring release of those segregable portions in each sections that
are not currently and properly classified. Yet FOIA officers
frequently block-delete because it takes less time than
discretionary disclosure.
Because of these errors, and because the denial
letter did not determine that there were no segregable portions that
could be released, an appeal was made to obtain the additional
information and complete the declassification in accordance with the
law. But the Pentagon denied the appeal, saying everything
was properly and currently classified.
Finally, a follow-up request was
submitted in November 2000 for a later version of the Nuclear
Supplement. But this request was denied in full in September 2002,
withholding even those sections that had previously been
declassified in the 1999 release. After a brief moment in partial
sun, the JSCP-N is back in the dark. |